/ 环境配置
分类:环境配置来源:站内 最近更新:2021-06-17 11:34:18浏览:2126留言:0
WARNING (@babel/preset-env): We noticed you're using the `useBuiltIns` option without declaring a core-js version. Currently, we assume version 2.x when no version is passed. Since this default version will likely change in future versions of Babel, we recommend explicitly setting the core-js version you are using via the `corejs` option. You should also be sure that the version you pass to the `corejs` option matches the version specified in your `package.json`'s `dependencies` section. If it doesn't, you need to run one of the following commands: npm install --save core-js@2 npm install --save core-js@3 yarn add core-js@2 yarn add core-js@3 More info about useBuiltIns: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-env#usebuiltins More info about core-js: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-env#corejs
Please note that if you are relying on browserslist's defaults query (either explicitly or by having no browserslist config), you will want to check out the No targets section for information on preset-env's behavior.
请注意,如果您依赖于browserslist的defaults查询(无论是显式的还是通过没有browserslist配置),您将需要查看no targets部分以获取有关预设env行为的信息。
1、先安装依赖 core-js